
How to Get Attribution in Analytics Right

Analytics solutions and digital ad providers are looking for ways to help marketers get a better sense of customer engagement. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

What Is the AI Bill of Rights and How Does it Affect Marketing, CX?

The White House has some advice when it comes to the ethics of artificial intelligence in its new "bill of rights." Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Top 5 Marketing Certifications for 2022

Employees who are always learning are more engaged, loyal, productive and satisfied. This certainly applies for marketers. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Are You Looking for a New DXP? Here’s What You Should Look for

Recent HCL and CMSWire research explored best practices when choosing and implementing a new DXP. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Elevating Human-Centered CX in a Tech-Powered World

CX leaders today are exploring how to elevate hybrid customer experiences by better balancing human-centeredness and technology. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

What Can We Expect From Sitecore Symposium 2022?

What will Sitecore's biggest week of the year bring? We shall see at next week's Sitecore Symposium. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Intercom Modernizes Messenger, QuestionPro Acquires SuiteCX, More News

Intercom updates Messenger, QuestionPro nabs journey mapping platform, Soul Machines Digital Iris stays on the job, more CX news. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

A Forgotten Customer Experience Art: Decency

How one gesture of kindness can shift the customer experience for many. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Create a Connected Enterprise for Better Customer, Employee Experience

Organizations should establish a connected enterprise foundation. It just doesn't happen overnight. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

How Facebook"s Thinking About Its War With TikTok

Social media has transformed, and Facebook along with it. Or at least it’s trying. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Erik Smith: Evolving Alongside the Customer

Want to keep customer satisfaction high? Providing channels that your customers prefer is the first step. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Dealing With AI Biases, Part 3: Emergent Biases in Operational Models

Emergent biases can still emerge even when we have trained the machine-learning algorithms with a cleansed data set with no known biases. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Adaptive AI Will Improve the Customer Experience

Adaptive AI can be used to continually improve the customer experience with each iteration of an interaction between a customer and a brand. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

CMSWire Contributor Q&A With John Horodyski: Why Metadata, Language Matter

CMSWire Managing Editor Dom Nicastro catches up with CMSWire Contributor John Horodyski on the importance of being mindful of human language. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Best Practices for a Productive Influencer/Brand Relationship

Influencers can enhance your branding efforts, but they can also cause damage if they go off the rails and don't adhere to contractual agreements. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Can You Trust Meta’s Metaverse?

Meta is a key player in the metaverse. But with its rocky data and privacy history, should it have your trust? Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Enough Already With Customer Feedback. Make Your Move

Sure, listening to customers is important. Too much of it can be counterproductive, though. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

8 Ways to Improve Your Brand"s Product Experience

What can you do to ensure a quality ecommerce and product experience? A lot, it turns out. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

Mastering Brand Reputation Management in the Social Media Age

What's a brand to do when customers can air their grievances and openly discuss, criticize and complain on social media channels? Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News

4 Ways Financial Services Provide Next-Level Customer Experience

Financial services firms will need to expand use of artificial intelligence to win customer trust with high-quality fast service and security. Continue reading........»»

Source:  CmswireCategory: ItOct 17th, 2022Related News