
Invasive termites dining in our homes will soon be a reality in most cities, says research

With climate change continuing its relentless march, the world faces not only rising temperatures and extreme weather but also an insidious threat to our homes: invasive termites. And the bill could be steep; invasive termites currently cost over US.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgApr 30th, 2024

Appropriate exercise is an important part of crew health during space missions

Future missions to the moon and Mars must address many challenges, including preventing loss of bone and muscle tissue in astronauts. Research on the International Space Station is helping to address this challenge......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News15 hr. 19 min. ago

Increasing drought puts the resilience of the Amazon rainforest to the test

Since 2015, the Amazon has been slower to recover from increasing drought events, but, overall, the rainforest still shows a remarkable resilience. New international research led by KU Leuven Earth and environmental scientists shows that forest degra.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News15 hr. 19 min. ago

Unraveling the metabolic mysteries of turfgrass under heat stress

A research team has identified key metabolic composition differences between annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass under heat stress, revealing specific metabolites linked to heat tolerance. The findings underscore the potential to use these metabo.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News16 hr. 47 min. ago

Storytelling in the metaverse can spur environmental action

Seeing is believing. But according to new virtual reality research from the University of Oregon, observation may not be enough to activate people on environmental issues. Engagement is key......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News16 hr. 47 min. ago

Alaska"s rusting waters: Pristine rivers and streams turning orange

Dozens of Alaska's most remote streams and rivers are turning from a crystal clear blue into a cloudy orange, and the staining could be the result of minerals exposed by thawing permafrost, finds new research in Communications Earth & Environment......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News16 hr. 47 min. ago

Plastic-greenhouse agriculture: A novel soil profile design for global sustainability and enhanced crop production

A research team has developed a novel conceptual framework for designing plastic-greenhouse soil profiles that cater to the needs of smallholder farmers. The soil profile includes four functional layers: a soil mulch layer for preventing evaporation,.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News16 hr. 47 min. ago

The genetic interplay in Impatiens downy mildew: A transcriptome-based approach to enhancing disease resistance

A research team has meticulously analyzed the transcriptional response of Impatiens walleriana to Plasmopara obducens infection, revealing between 3,000 and 4,500 differentially expressed transcripts at various stages of the disease......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News16 hr. 47 min. ago

East Coast has a giant offshore freshwater aquifer—how did it get there?

For water-stressed cities, undersea aquifers could be a submerged solution. Enlarge / An oceangoing scientific drilling vessel may be needed to figure out how huge undersea aquifers formed. (credit: Credit: IODP) One-qua.....»»

Category: topSource:  arstechnicaRelated News17 hr. 19 min. ago

Sea levels are starting to rise faster: Here"s how much South Florida is expecting

Sea levels are rising, swamping roads and homes in South Florida. And it's picked up the pace in recent years......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News19 hr. 47 min. ago

Unlocking the secrets of plant-electromagnetic field interactions: A comprehensive review

A research team has meticulously analyzed the biological impacts of ornamental plants' exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), especially those at high frequencies. They proposed a comprehensive strategy to predict and mitigate these effects by co.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News19 hr. 47 min. ago

Remote sensing research unravels plant genetic diversity and evolution

A research team has recently published a comprehensive review on the innovative integration of spectral data and phylogeographic patterns to study plant genetic variation. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of remote sensing technology in ide.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News19 hr. 47 min. ago

Exploring the multifaceted role of MicroRNA156 in horticultural plants

A research team has reviewed the role of MicroRNA156 (miR156) in horticultural plants, uncovering its significant influence on a variety of biological processes such as vegetative growth, floral induction, and stress response. miR156, known for its h.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News19 hr. 47 min. ago

Rigid approach to teaching phonics is "joyless" and is failing children in England, experts warn

Experts have released robust research to show that phonics should be taught hand-in-hand with reading and writing to encourage true literacy and a love of reading, not through narrow synthetic phonics......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News19 hr. 47 min. ago

New research suggests diverse headgear in hoofed mammals evolved from common ancestor

From the small ossicones on a giraffe to the gigantic antlers of a male moose—which can grow as wide as a car—the headgear of ruminant hooved mammals is extremely diverse, and new research suggests that despite the physical differences, fundament.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News19 hr. 47 min. ago

Actin research shows how butterfly wings get their vibrant colors

The secret of how butterfly wings get their vibrant colors has been revealed in a new study. Using cutting-edge super resolution microscopy, researchers from the University of Sheffield and the Central Laser Facility have been able to investigate the.....»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated News21 hr. 47 min. ago

Gender gaps remain for many women scientists, study finds

As more women have entered the biomedical field, they're getting a bigger share of research grants, and the gender gap in research funding appears to be narrowing, but the gains have been uneven......»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated News21 hr. 47 min. ago

Machine learning accelerates discovery of solar-cell perovskites

An EPFL research project has developed a method based on machine learning to quickly and accurately search large databases, leading to the discovery of 14 new materials for solar cells......»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated News21 hr. 47 min. ago

Study finds evidence that subduction zone splay faults compound hazards of great earthquakes

Research has provided new insight into the tectonic plate shifts that create some of the Earth's largest earthquakes and tsunamis......»»

Category: topSource:  pcmagRelated NewsMay 20th, 2024

REBELS-25 is a dynamically cold disk galaxy, observations find

An international team of astronomers has observed a high-redshift massive star-forming galaxy known as REBELS-25. They found that REBELS-25 is a dynamically cold disk galaxy. This finding was presented in a research paper published May 9 on the pre-p.....»»

Category: topSource:  pcmagRelated NewsMay 20th, 2024

Are we really about to talk to whales?

The past decade has seen an explosion of new research into some of the most fascinating sounds in the sea: the vocalizations of whales and dolphins......»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated NewsMay 20th, 2024