Nano drug delivery system eliminates need for complicated carriers
A team of University of Melbourne researchers from the Caruso Nanoengineering Group has created an innovative drug delivery system with outstanding potential to improve drug development......»»
Study discovers a nano-switch mechanism controlled by a single hydrogen atom in all living organisms
A group of researchers in Japan has revealed, for the first time, a mechanism for controlling the potential of an electron carrier protein in the redox reaction that all organisms need to obtain energy. The study was published in the online edition o.....»»
Study provides experimental evidence of high harmonic generation producing quantum light
High harmonic generation (HHG) is a highly non-linear phenomenon where a system (for example, an atom) absorbs many photons of a laser and emits photons of much higher energy, whose frequency is a harmonic (that is, a multiple) of the incoming laser'.....»»
BepiColombo"s fifth Mercury flyby
On Sunday 1 December 2024, BepiColombo flew past the planet Mercury for the fifth time, readying itself for entering orbit around the solar system's mysterious innermost planet in 2026......»»
New understanding of a cancer-relevant protein reveals opportunities for drug discovery
A new approach to targeting a protein involved in cell division, which can misfunction in cancer, has revealed new insights into how it functions......»»
Seeing is believing: Leveraging defining morphological features for accurate selection of brain organoids
By combining morphological and single-cell level gene expression analyses, a team of researchers led by Professor Jun Takahashi in the Department of Clinical Application at Kyoto University has established a new non-destructive system to select high-.....»»
Observations shed more light on the properties of three-planet system TOI-396
An international team of astronomers has investigated a planetary system consisting of three alien worlds orbiting the star TOI-396. The study, published Nov. 22 on the pre-print server arXiv, provides the first mass measurements for these three plan.....»»
Landmark study reveals stark failure to halt Murray-Darling River decline
Some A$13 billion in taxpayer dollars and 30 years of policy reform have failed to arrest the devastating decline in the health of Australia's most important river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, new research shows......»»
Get immersed with AiDot’s Linkind ET6 LED Strips
If you’re looking for a way to improve the immersiveness of your home entertainment system, then AiDot’s Linkind ET6 LED strips are for you. The post Get immersed with AiDot’s Linkind ET6 LED Strips appeared first on Phandroid. There.....»»
New English school improvement teams could complicate an already complex system
The government has announced a new plan to help improve schools: Regional Improvement for Standards and Excellence (RISE) teams......»»
Black Ops 6 devs explain the movement system changes
Treyarch developers Matt Sconce and Yale Miller weigh in on the new omnimovement system and why they chose it......»»
How does the new Fortnite Battle Pass system work?
Epic Games recently adjusted the Fortnite Battle Pass system and altered its pricing — here's everything you need to know about the changes headed into Season 6......»»
It lives! 47-year-old Voyager 1 is back in action
Despite its age and an ever-dwindling power supply, the Voyager 1 probe is back in action following an issue with its communication system......»»
Researchers call for harnessing agrifood value chains to help farmers be climate-smart
The global food system is uniquely vulnerable to climate impacts, making adaptation of paramount importance. While contributing roughly one-third of total anthropogenic emissions, food systems around the world fortunately also hold immense potential.....»»
State surveillance: Kenyans have a right to privacy—does the government respect it?
The Kenyan government is using technology to improve governance, service delivery and national security. The progress, while welcome, has brought with it concerns about state surveillance, data protection, and violations of fundamental rights and fre.....»»
Researchers use laser beams to pioneer new quantum computing breakthrough
Physicists from the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) have developed an innovative computing system using laser beams and everyday display technology, marking a significant leap forward in the quest for more powerful quantum computing solutions......»»
Modified ribosomes could be a possible mechanism of antibiotic resistance
Bacteria modify their ribosomes when exposed to widely used antibiotics, according to research published in Nature Communications. The subtle changes might be enough to alter the binding site of drug targets and constitute a possible new mechanism of.....»»
Plastic in the ocean and on our plates: What are the risks to human health?
It's no secret: when we savor a delicious piece of fish or a platter of seafood, we're not just consuming valuable omega-3s and vitamin D. Alongside these benefits come less appetizing elements—countless micro- and nano-plastics......»»
Volvo’s EX90 electric SUV features an Abbey Road sound system
Volvo's EX90 electric SUV features an Abbey Road Studios’ mode, providing sound quality engineered straight out of the world’s most famous music recording studios.....»»
Parasite genome analysis provides a new approach to predicting malaria drug resistance
Researchers at University of California San Diego analyzed the genomes of hundreds of malaria parasites to determine which genetic variants are most likely to confer drug resistance......»»
Nanopesticide delivery system made with neem seed extract improves pesticide effectiveness
Pesticides can be made more effective and environmentally friendly by improving how they stick to plant surfaces, thanks to new research led by Dr. Mustafa Akbulut, professor of chemical engineering at Texas A&M University......»»