
Enormous rock engravings may be prehistoric territorial markers, suggest archaeologists

Archaeologists have mapped 14 sites featuring the world's largest monumental engravings, proposing that they were created to signal the territorial boundaries of the prehistoric inhabitants......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgJun 4th, 2024

Astrophysicists calculate the likelihood that Earth was exposed to cold harsh interstellar clouds 2 million years ago

Around two million years ago, Earth was a very different place, with our early human ancestors living alongside saber-toothed tigers, mastodons, and enormous rodents. And, depending on where they were, they may have been cold: Earth had fallen into a.....»»

Category: topSource:  marketingvoxRelated NewsJun 10th, 2024

New method optimizes lithium extraction from seawater and groundwater

As the electric vehicle market booms, the demand for lithium—the mineral required for lithium-ion batteries—has also soared. Global lithium production has more than tripled in the last decade. But current methods of extracting lithium from rock o.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 8th, 2024

Records of Pompeii"s survivors have been found—archaeologists are starting to understand how they rebuilt their lives

On Aug. 24, in A.D. 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, shooting over 3 cubic miles of debris up to 20 miles (32.1 kilometers) in the air. As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 8th, 2024

New fossils show what Australia"s giant prehistoric "thunder birds" looked like

Until about 45,000 years ago, Australia was home to a giant flightless bird called Genyornis newtoni, which was 2 meters tall and weighed up to 230 kilograms......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 8th, 2024

NASA is commissioning 10 studies on Mars Sample Return—most are commercial

SpaceX will show NASA how Starship could one day return rock samples from Mars. Enlarge / An artist's concept of a Mars Ascent Vehicle orbiting the red planet. (credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) NASA announced Friday that it wil.....»»

Category: topSource:  arstechnicaRelated NewsJun 8th, 2024

Basic income can double global GDP while reducing carbon emissions, analysis suggests

Giving a regular cash payment to the entire world population has the potential to increase global gross domestic product (GDP) by 130%, according to a new analysis published June 7 in the journal Cell Reports Sustainability. Researchers suggest that.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 7th, 2024

Carving into carbonates on Mars

This past week on Mars, Perseverance made a pit stop near Overlook Mountain to abrade a rock called Old Faithful Geyser. This target is situated within the Western side of the Margin Unit, an area around the upper edge of Jezero Crater that is astrob.....»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated NewsJun 6th, 2024

Five mysterious ancient artifacts that still puzzle archaeologists

Archaeologists are often described as "stumped" or "baffled" by their discoveries. But, in reality, specialists have a good grasp of what most historical objects were created for. But there are a few exceptions to this rule......»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated NewsJun 6th, 2024

New dating technique more accurately estimates time differences between Paleolithic hearth fires

A team of archaeologists affiliated with multiple institutions in Spain has used a new dating technique to more accurately estimate time differences between Paleolithic Age hearth fires. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group descr.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 6th, 2024

Q&A: Studies reveal gut"s true stem cells, challenging previous assumptions

Two independent studies by Columbia scientists suggest that research into the gut's stem cells over the past 15 years has been marred by a case of mistaken identity: Scientists have been studying the wrong cell......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 6th, 2024

iOS 18 Beta Release Date: Tips & Tricks

The iOS 18 beta release date is close and some iPhone users might want to start doing early prep right now. Apple will confirm iOS 18 during its WWDC 2024 keynote address in June. Rumors suggest it will be a substantial upgrade for iPhone users. The.....»»

Category: mobileSource:  gottabemobileRelated NewsJun 5th, 2024

Enormous rock engravings may be prehistoric territorial markers, suggest archaeologists

Archaeologists have mapped 14 sites featuring the world's largest monumental engravings, proposing that they were created to signal the territorial boundaries of the prehistoric inhabitants......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 4th, 2024

Giant skull of Australian megafauna bird reveals a prehistoric "giga-goose"

After 128 years of exploration, fossil excavation and investigation, Flinders University researchers have finally uncovered the skull of Australia's own giant and charismatic megafauna bird—Genyornis newtoni......»»

Category: topSource:  theglobeandmailRelated NewsJun 4th, 2024

Human activity contributed to woolly rhinoceros" extinction, suggest researchers

Researchers have discovered sustained hunting by humans prevented the woolly rhinoceros from accessing favorable habitats as Earth warmed following the Last Ice Age......»»

Category: topSource:  pcmagRelated NewsJun 4th, 2024

Craft unfurls China"s flag on the far side of the moon and lifts off with lunar rocks to bring home

China said its lunar spacecraft unfurled the country's red and gold flag for the first time on the far side of the moon before part of the vehicle blasted off early Tuesday with rock and soil samples to bring back to Earth......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 4th, 2024

Genetic analyses of remains from 500 BCE reveal kinship and ancestry of Celts in Germany

The Celtic culture of the pre-Roman Iron Age in Western and Central Europe has left numerous traces to this day, not least in the form of enormous burial mounds and spectacular archaeological artifacts. Despite this rich legacy, much about this civil.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 3rd, 2024

China lands a spacecraft on the moon"s far side to collect rocks for study

A Chinese spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon Sunday to collect soil and rock samples that could provide insights into differences between the less-explored region and the better-known near side......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 3rd, 2024

A Chinese spacecraft lands on the moon"s far side to collect rocks in growing space rivalry with US

A Chinese spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon Sunday to collect soil and rock samples that could provide insights into differences between the less-explored region and the better-known near side......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJun 2nd, 2024

Clues to mysterious disappearance of North America"s large mammals 50,000 years ago found within ancient bone collagen

50,000 years ago, North America was ruled by megafauna. Lumbering mammoths roamed the tundra, while forests were home to towering mastodons, fierce saber-toothed tigers and enormous wolves. Bison and extraordinarily tall camels moved in herds across.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsMay 31st, 2024

New photonic crystal approach can enable sensitive and affordable detection of biomarkers

Biomarkers are small molecules of interest to researchers, because they can indicate underlying diseases, often even before symptoms even appear. However, detecting these markers can be challenging as they are often present in very low quantities, es.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsMay 31st, 2024