
Apple Music launches new ‘radio spins’ data for artists and labels

Apple is rolling out a new feature to its Apple Music for Artists platform this week. The company says that artists can now see “when and where” their music is being played on radio stations around the world… more….....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top8 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Apple releases new version of iOS 18 beta 4 for developers

Apple has released an updated version of iOS 18 beta 4 for developers. The new version comes just days after the original developer beta 4. more….....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top8 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

More money, empowerment—and less chance of domestic abuse for women working in coffee industry

Economist Deniz Sanin was at Starbucks when a bag of specialty coffee from Rwanda caught her eye. "I Googled it right away," she recalled. "It turns out, there's been a coffee boom in the country.".....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Communicating numbers boosts trust in climate change science, research suggests

The intuition to distill hard numbers like "90 percent" into words like "almost all" may help make science and statistics more accessible, but new research shows that isn't necessarily the best way to engage people online......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Clearance of deer cull carcasses is a loss to ecosystem, finds Scotland study

The removal of deer bodies following annual culls in Scotland may be depriving the environment of essential nutrients, according to a new study published in Ecological Solutions and Evidence......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

New clam species discovered in South Africa"s kelp forest

A new study sheds light on the unexplored diversity of galeommatoidean bivalves, a little-known group of marine mollusks, from the western coast of South Africa......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Is this how you get hot Jupiters?

When we think of Jupiter-type planets, we usually picture massive cloud-covered worlds orbiting far from their stars. That distance keeps their volatile gases from vaporizing from stellar heat, similar to what we're familiar with in our solar system......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Raman spectroscopy offers new insights into ionic liquid acidity

Researchers at the University of Liège have for the first time determined the acidity of ionic liquids using Raman spectroscopy, thanks to Hammett acidity functions. This advance promises to revolutionize our understanding and use of these organic s.....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Paris 2024: How the Olympics shape—and are shaped by—geopolitics

When French historian and educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the modern Olympics in 1894, he did so with a vision of promoting peace through sport. In reality, the Olympics have often reflected the geopolitics of the period......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Using fire management to see how ticks... tick

The morning alarm goes off, and it's time to get ready for work. Ph.D. student Samuel Gilvarg has already pretreated his clothes with permethrin insecticide. All that's left is to pull his socks up and over his pant legs......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

3D models show dolphins already used narrow-band sound waves for orientation 5 million years ago

Senckenberg researcher Dr. Rachel Racicot and her former student Joyce Sanks from Vanderbilt University have examined the inner ear of the extinct dolphin genus Parapontoporia. In their study, published in the journal The Anatomical Record, they show.....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Twisted carbon nanotubes could achieve significantly better energy storage than advanced lithium-ion batteries

An international team of scientists, including two researchers who now work in the Center for Advanced Sensor Technology (CAST) at UMBC, has shown that twisted carbon nanotubes can store three times more energy per unit mass than advanced lithium-ion.....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

AI makes useless noise widely useful in synchronizing physical oscillators

In a Letter published in Physical Review E, scientists from the Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems (IICS) at the Fudan University show AI makes useless noise widely useful in oscillator synchronization. These findings have implications.....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Surveys reveal vast mangrove damage along Great Barrier Reef and restoration hotspots

A James Cook University report has revealed severe damage in about 80% of mangroves along the Great Barrier Reef, from Cairns to Gladstone—and pinpointed 52 potential restoration hotspots over 17,255 hectares......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Team develops novel hybrid scheme for compressible flow computations

A team of scientists has developed a novel hybrid scheme for both steady and unsteady single-phase compressible flow simulations. Their scheme has potential applications in real-world scenarios, offering a promising avenue for future research......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Climate is most important factor in where mammals choose to live, study finds

While human activity has had a massive effect on the natural world, a new study from North Carolina State University finds that climate is still the most influential factor in determining where mammals can thrive. The work sheds light on how climate.....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

New research on legal aid cuts shows wasted money and "embarrassing" data gaps in UK

There needs to be "significant improvements" to the way data is collected across UK Government to prove if major changes to legal aid have delivered value for money to the taxpayer, a new report says......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

Study warns of rise of "new chauvinism" fueled by right-wing populism

New research from the University of Bath has identified a "new chauvinism," fueled by a resurgence in right-wing populism, and distinguished by the use of softer, more subtle language than traditional chauvinism......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

What"s really behind the ad label? The dark arts influencers are using to get your likes

Rogue social media influencers are relying on gender stereotypes, bogus claims and deceptive editing to monetize their content and increase their following, a new study has found......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News

New self-powered electrostatic tweezer enhances object manipulation and microfluidics

In a study published in Device has reported a new self-powered electrostatic tweezer that offers superior accumulation and tunability of triboelectric charges, enabling unprecedented flexibility and adaptability for manipulating objects in various wo.....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: Top14 hr. 34 min. ago Related News