
Floods Are Destroying Roads and Buildings. The White House Wants to Raise Them

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is requiring any construction project it funds to be elevated above local flood levels.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

Europe’s New Ariane 6 Rocket Launches at Last

Europe rejoins the new space race with the launch of its long-awaited Ariane 6 rocket.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

5 New Types of Gravitational-Wave Detectors Could Reshape Astrophysics

With the confirmation of gravitational waves less than a decade old, scientists are barreling ahead with new detectors to pick up ever more elusive ripples in spacetime.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

The Supreme Court’s Contempt for Facts Is a Betrayal of Justice

The Supreme Court majority’s recent decisions about homelessness, public health and regulatory power, among others, undermine the role of evidence, expertise and honesty in American democracy.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

Gen X Faces Higher Cancer Rates Than Any Previous Generation

Researchers are investigating changes in cancer risks among young people as new data predict that rising rates of leading cancers, such as colon cancer, will overtake improvements.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

Przewalski’s Horses Are Back—On TikTok and the Central Asian Steppes

Claims that Przewalski’s horses were discovered in the U.S. are unverified. But the conservation story behind the last truly wild horse is worth your time......»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

Heat Waves Can Buckle Train Tracks, Delaying Commutes and Commerce

Extreme heat can cause train tracks to expand and buckle. That’s forcing rail operators to adapt as the climate warms.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

We Indulged Our Child During COVID Lockdown. Did That Change Him?

During the lockdown phase of the COVID pandemic, we indulged our toddler son. Years later, we wonder if his current behavior is normal or a result of that early isolation .....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

PMDD Is a Menstrual Disorder Much More Severe than PMS

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a condition triggered by hormonal changes that can cause severe symptoms such as despair and suicidal thoughts.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

The Head of NASA Science Spent a Whole Weekend Building a LEGO Rocket

Scientific American sat down with Nicola Fox, head of NASA science, to talk about her LEGO-building hobby, the agency’s massive Space Launch System rocket and the NASA science she’s most excited about.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

We’re Not Asking the Right Question to Solve the Overdose Crisis

Drug policy continues to fixate on symptoms rather than the actual disease.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

How Drones Are Revolutionizing Search and Rescue

As drones get less expensive and computer vision systems improve, rescuers are getting help from artificial eyes in the sky.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

We Cannot Cede Control of Weapons to Artificial Intelligence

I watched United Nations delegates debate AI-based weapons that can fire without human initiation. Humans cannot be taken out of that decision-making.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

Training with "Digital Twins" Could Boost Olympic Swimmer Speeds

In the Paris 2024 summer Olympics, swimmers will be guided by their digital twin. Here’s how they work to help the fastest swimmers break records.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

The Wild History of Hurricane Forecasting

Scientists, pilots and even a Jesuit priest have tried over decades to understand some of the most ferocious storms on Earth, but climate change is making such efforts to avert damage more difficult.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

‘Frog Saunas’ Could Protect Species from Devastating Fungal Disease

A low-tech immune boost may help some species of frogs survive a brutal fungal disease that’s already ended 90 species.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

Marijuana’s New Legal Status Must Spark More Research

While most Americans enjoy access to marijuana, barriers to research and knowledge expansion persist—with dangerous consequences. Unlimited research access is needed.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

‘Phantom Costs’ Explain Why Some Deals Seem Too Good to Be True

Fear of hidden costs pushes us to avoid “free money” or suspiciously good offers.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

How to Avoid Petrochemical Products

It’s well known that petrochemicals are toxic to our health. Here’s how to steer clear of these by-products of the fossil-fuel industry......»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News

Popcorn, the Ultimate Snack, May Have Truly Ancient Origins

Popcorn might be more than 6,000 years old, an anthropologist explains.....»»

Source:  SciamCategory: ScienceJul 10th, 2024Related News