
Ultrasensitive gas detection empowered by synergy of graphene and sub-comb dynamics

Since the inception of microcomb, whose generation relies on Kerr nonlinearity in microresonator, the coherent soliton state has attracted intense research. Although the operation of sub-comb outputs is straightforward, as a noncoherent comb state,.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Study uncovers technologies that could unveil energy-efficient information processing and sophisticated data security

Advanced information processing technologies offer greener telecommunications and strong data security for millions, a study led by University of Maryland (UMD) researchers revealed......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

"Free" delivery plans can profit both retailers and customers

In March, Target became the latest mega-retailer to offer "free" delivery—for a price. For $99 a year, subscribers to Target Circle 360 can place unlimited orders without having to worry about shipping costs. Target competes with similar plans offe.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Can Philly become a hothouse for bananas and pineapples as the climate warms?

As climate change warms Philadelphia, the plants that can be grown in the city will change, too......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Reducing distrust in social media is not straightforward, computer scientists warn

Are anti-misinformation interventions on social media working as intended? It depends, according to a new study led by William & Mary researchers and published in the Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24)......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

New methodologies to prevent fraud in the determination of geographical origin of hazelnuts

Food fraud concerning the geographical origin of hazelnuts intended for consumption is a problem that damages the agri-food sector and generates economic losses and consumer distrust......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Some clever ways to search for primordial black holes

Primordial black holes (PBHs) have recently received much attention in the physics community. One of the primary reasons is the potential link to dark matter. In effect, if PBHs can be proven to exist, there's a very good chance that they are what da.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Places with more college graduates tend to foster better lifestyle habits overall, research finds

Having more education has long been linked to better individual health. But those benefits are also contagious, say the co-authors of a new working paper......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

New candidate genes for human male infertility found by analyzing gorillas" unusual reproductive system

Despite their formidable bodies, male gorillas are lacking in one particular area of their anatomy......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Young whale"s journey highlights threats facing ocean animals

A young whale's journey across the Mediterranean highlights the many threats facing ocean animals, researchers say......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Researchers elucidate ultrafast laser-induced solid-to-overdense-plasma transitions

The interaction of solids with high-intensity ultra-short laser pulses has enabled major technological breakthroughs over the past half-century. On the one hand, laser ablation of solids offers micromachining and miniaturization of elements in medica.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Looking for love: How we can fool ourselves when we are into someone

Can we truly assess whether someone finds us attractive? Cognitive psychologist Iliana Samara conducted her Ph.D. project on romantic attraction and discovered that men, in particular, tend to overestimate the interest of their date. She explains why.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Preventable loss: A billion birds die each year from window strikes

University of Cincinnati ornithologist Ron Canterbury displayed dozens of birds that died from striking glass windows in the city......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Fine roots make the difference in metabolomes and microbiomes

Bacteria and fungi live together on the surface of plant roots, which can promote symbiotic interactions with the plant. Plant roots that are especially fine can support various niches for their microbial proliferations, but traditionally, microbiome.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

New GPS-based method can measure daily ice loss in Greenland

When the ice sheet in Greenland melts, as it has done increasingly in recent years, the bedrock beneath moves slightly......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

How scientific conference attendees can reduce their carbon footprint

Climate researchers often emphasize the fact that reducing carbon emissions is in everyone's best interest, and should involve all of us. But how good are they at minimizing their own carbon footprint?.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Scientists unlock mysteries of orangutan communication

In a study published in PeerJ, scientists have revealed the intricate vocal patterns of Bornean orangutans, shedding new light on the complexities of their communication. Titled "Vocal Complexity in the Long Calls of Bornean Orangutans," the research.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Model suggests subluminal warp drives may be possible

A team of physicists from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the Advanced Propulsion Laboratory at Applied Physics, in New York, has developed a model that shows it might be possible to create a subluminal warp drive......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Study finds antimicrobial resistance in soils Scotland-wide

Resistance to antibiotics has been found in the environment across Scotland, according to a new international study involving Strathclyde......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News

Uneven strain distribution induces detwinning in penta-twinned nanoparticles

Twinned nanoparticles have regions of clear symmetry that share the same crystal lattice, separated by a clear boundary. Changing the twin structure can affect the properties of the nanoparticles, which makes controlling twinning to create tailored n.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMay 14th, 2024Related News