
Scientists uncover a causal relationship between remote extreme heat and the Canadian wildfires in 2023

Wildfires are events that can have significant impacts on ecosystems and human society. In the context of global warming, there has been a notable surge in the frequency and ferocity of wildfires in the Northern Hemisphere over recent years. In 2023,.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 20th, 2024Related News

War survey: 83% of Israeli NGOs impacted, mixed responses to government aid, surge in foreign support

A survey conducted at the Hebrew University by Prof. Michal Almog-Bar, head of the Institute for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy, in collaboration with Civil Leadership, the umbrella organization of nonprofit organizations in Israel, anal.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 20th, 2024Related News

A perfect storm: Assessing the deadly impact of climate-driven flooding and cyber attacks

Society is now in an era in which climate change and cyber insecurity are regular threats to life and property. In tandem, the two have the potential to be especially deadly......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 20th, 2024Related News

Planetary scientists use physics and images of impact craters to gauge thickness of ice on Europa

Sometimes planetary physics is like being in a snowball fight. Most people, if handed an already-formed snowball, can use their experience and the feel of the ball to guess what kind of snow it is composed of: packable and fluffy, or wet and icy......»»

Source:  PcmagCategory: TopMar 20th, 2024Related News

Planetary geophysics: What is it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has examined the importance of studying impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, astrobiology, solar physics, comets, and planetary atmospheres, and how these intriguing scientific disciplines can help scientists and the public.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 19th, 2024Related News

As Voyager 1"s mission draws to a close, one planetary scientist reflects on its legacy

For nearly 50 years, NASA's Voyager 1 mission has competed for the title of deep space's little engine that could. Launched in 1977 along with its twin, Voyager 2, the spacecraft is now soaring more than 15 billion miles from Earth......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 18th, 2024Related News

A holistic look at Earth"s chemical cycling sheds light on how the planet stays habitable

We all know Earth is special, but we may not fully appreciate how good we have it on this planet. Unlike its planetary neighbors, Earth has remained habitable for billions of years thanks to a complicated, ever-changing dance of elements......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 18th, 2024Related News

Saturday Citations: The volcanoes of Mars; Starship launched; "Try our new menu item," say Australian researchers

You never can tell when planetary scientists are going to discover a new giant volcano on Mars, but when it happens, I step out to the porch and raise my Lunar and Planetary Society Core-Mantle Boundary Rift Discovery flag so all the neighbors will k.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 16th, 2024Related News

The timeless wisdom of Sanpo-yoshi for present day businesses

There is a growing emphasis for corporations to consider their impact on the environment, society, and its stakeholders. Broadly falling under environmental, social and governance or ESG, this involves practices such as using sustainably sourced mate.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 14th, 2024Related News

Social acceptance of immigrants working as politicians or judges is low, finds German study

Often, the dominant society develops negative attitudes towards immigrants and their descendants because their integration is too successful—and not because they are unwilling to integrate. This is the finding of a new study conducted by researcher.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 13th, 2024Related News

Giant volcano discovered on Mars

In a groundbreaking announcement at the 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference held in The Woodlands, Texas, scientists revealed the discovery of a giant volcano and possible sheet of buried glacier ice in the eastern part of Mars' Tharsis volca.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 13th, 2024Related News

Condor telescope reveals a new world for astrophysicists

A new telescope called the "Condor Array Telescope" may open up a new world of the very-low-brightness universe for astrophysicists. Four new papers, published back to back in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) this month,.....»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: TopMar 12th, 2024Related News

Immigrants found to be significantly less likely to commit crimes than the US-born

Some Americans believe that undocumented immigrants are a criminal threat to society. Former President Donald J. Trump has leveraged this assumption to inflame the rhetoric around immigration from the U.S.-Mexico border......»»

Source:  InformationweekCategory: TopMar 12th, 2024Related News

Family unbound: How Western society is redefining and assembling families through digital platforms

Modern Western life offers a wide range of possibilities of what "family" can be: single parents, rainbow families, patchwork constellations, co-parenting, adoption, surrogacy and partnerships without children. Family forms are diversifying and exten.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 12th, 2024Related News

Migration of hominins out of Africa may have been driven by the first major glaciation of the Pleistocene

A pair of planetary scientists, one with the University of Milan, the other with Columbia University, has found evidence that the exodus of hominins out of Africa approximately 1 million years ago may have been driven by the first major glaciation of.....»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 12th, 2024Related News

Educators can foster interpartisan friendships on college campuses, suggests study

As American society continues to divide along political lines, higher education and educators have unique potential to help foster interpartisan friendships, according to a new study from North Carolina State University......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 11th, 2024Related News

Monarch caterpillar found to switch from avoiding milkweed-toxin-rich latex to eating it as they age

A trio of German entomologists has found that young monarch caterpillars switch from avoiding milkweed-toxin-rich latex to eating it as they get older. Their paper is published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B......»»

Source:  PhysorgCategory: TopMar 11th, 2024Related News

Rock bands as transformative learning spaces for older adults

Everyone's right to learn continues throughout life. According to Finnish music education researchers, educational and cultural institutions are responsible for finding new ways to respond to the needs of a rapidly aging society......»»

Source:  PcmagCategory: TopMar 8th, 2024Related News

Jet in Jupiter"s atmosphere found to fluctuate in roughly four-year periods

A team of planetary scientists affiliated with multiple institutions in the U.S. has found a jet in Jupiter's atmosphere that fluctuates in roughly four-year periods. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes how they found.....»»

Source:  PcmagCategory: TopMar 7th, 2024Related News

Standing together against hate: A collective responsibility

Hate speech incidents are widespread in all areas of society and are often unchallenged by uninvolved bystanders. LMU researchers have investigated what significance the reactions of bystanders to verbal hate attacks have for the formation of social.....»»

Source:  MarketingvoxCategory: TopMar 6th, 2024Related News