Whale remains tracked to highlight sustainable disposal benefits
A string of whale strandings on the East Australian Coastline and questions around the appropriate disposal methods for the remains has prompted a new study that highlights sustainable, cultural and ecosystem beneficial offshore removal or decomposit.....»»

50 years ago, this classic murder mystery changed the genre forever
Fifty years since its release, director Sidney Lumet's Murder on the Orient Express remains one of the best adaptations of Agatha Christie's work ever made......»»
Volkswagen’s affordable ID.2 EV remains on track
Volkswagen remains committed to launching its affordable ID.2 EV by the end of 2025 or early 2026......»»
First successful test of wild minke whales reveals they have ultrasonic hearing
A team of marine biologists from Norway, the U.S. and Denmark has conducted the first hearing test of a live baleen whale. For their study published in the journal Science, the group corralled a pair of wild minke whales and recorded their brain wave.....»»
New maps show high-risk zones for whale-ship collisions—vessel speed limits and rerouting can reduce the toll
Imagine you are a blue whale swimming up the California coast, as you do every spring. You are searching for krill in the Santa Barbara Channel, a zone that teems with fish, kelp forests, seagrass beds and other undersea life, but also vibrates with.....»»
Sustainable method can electrosynthesize important chemical for synthetic rubber production
Chemists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a sustainable method to electrosynthesize 1,3-butadiene, a feedstock used for synthetic rubber production, from acetylene......»»
Exploring new liquid organic hydrogen carrier materials for a safer, more transportable energy source
To reduce CO2 emissions, the energy transition from a carbon-based energy system to a more sustainable system based on hydrogen energy is urgently needed. However, the nature of hydrogen (such as low volumetric density, flammability, and embrittlemen.....»»
Building climate resilient cocoa farming in West Africa
Agroforestry systems, which integrate trees and shrubs into farming, are vital to achieving sustainable cocoa production in West Africa where 70% of the world cocoa is produced. Climate change induced drought means that it is ever more critical to ad.....»»
Exploring the impact of offshore wind on whale deaths
In the winter of 2022–2023, nearly a dozen whales died off the coast of New Jersey, near the sites of several proposed wind farms. Their deaths prompted concern that related survey work being conducted in the area somehow contributed to their death.....»»
Companies won"t survive in a nature-depleted world—some business owners are taking action
After the conclusion of UN biodiversity conference Cop16, it was easy to feel disappointed. In Cali, Colombia, discussions fell short on how to monitor targets and progress remains slow. Despite agreements, Cop16 lacked urgency from governments and t.....»»
Humpback whale nursery hotspot detected in Australian waters
Marine biologists from The University of Western Australia have recommended protection measures for a humpback whale nursery ground in the Exmouth Gulf in Western Australia's Pilbara region......»»
Top benefits of managed VPS hosting
VPS hosting offers the flexibility of a dedicated server without the high costs......»»
Fewer than 7% of global hotspots for whale-ship collisions have protection measures in place, researchers report
According to the fossil record, cetaceans—whales, dolphins and their relatives—evolved from four-legged land mammals that returned to the oceans beginning some 50 million years ago. Today, their descendants are threatened by a different land-base.....»»
Genetic research explores purple tea"s health benefits
Purple tea, the product of long-term natural evolution, stands out for its high anthocyanin content, known for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects. Unlike traditional green tea, purple tea is increasingly valued for its potential t.....»»
Science continues to exclude Indigenous communities—fixing this benefits everyone
An enduring challenge facing science around the world is how to best include and engage Indigenous communities......»»
20 years later, the Nintendo DS remains one of gaming’s best devices
The Nintendo DS turns 20 today, and it still stands tall as one of gaming's most creative, memorable systems......»»
Reef studies highlight missing clues to conserve fish species
In Australia, shellfish reef restoration projects are helping to recover degraded coastal systems and enhance fish habitat, but much more research is needed to support and evaluate these efforts, researchers say......»»
Larger pay increases and better benefits could support teacher retention, survey finds
Larger pay increases and better benefits could help keep K-12 teachers in the teacher workforce, finds a new, nationally representative RAND survey......»»
New model sheds light on groundwater declines by linking irrigation decisions and groundwater use
Sustainable rates of groundwater withdrawal in Oregon's Harney Basin were surpassed 20 years prior to the time declining groundwater levels were generally recognized, a new analysis found......»»
Self-assembling proteins can be used for higher performance, more sustainable skincare products
If you have a meticulous skincare routine, you know that personal skincare products (PSCPs) are a big business. The PSCP industry will reach $74.12 billion USD by 2027, with an annual growth rate of 8.64%. With such competition, companies are always.....»»
Ankylosaurid dinosaur, unearthed in China in 1986, identified as a new species
A team of archaeologists and paleontologists at the Jiangxi Provincial Museum, working with colleagues from Yunnan University, all in China, has found that the unearthed skeletal remains of an ankylosaurid dinosaur uncovered in 1986 at a dig site at.....»»