Study shows leaf shape and size can"t reliably distinguish wild coca plants from those grown to make cocaine
A new paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution indicates that while the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has collected annual data on areas of coca cultivation in South America for decades to monitor the establishment of illegal plantations a.....»»

Change management shows us how we all can become climate leaders
'Tis the season for resolutions, and if yours are all about reducing your impact on the planet then you may find yourself at loggerheads this holiday season with friends whose 2025 goals are a bit less green......»»
Bleached reefs could sink fishing yields, study warns
What does a decline in healthy coral reefs mean for fisheries? A new study published in Marine Resource Economics, led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), examines the correlation between fish yield and live coral habitats. Researcher.....»»
Arctic Ocean reveals unexpected variety in hydrothermal vent formations
A new study about Earth's northernmost seafloor hydrothermal system shows even more variety in vent styles than previously thought......»»
Online program helps siblings fight less, bond more, study finds
Siblings between the ages of 4 and 8 can have up to eight fights an hour, Northeastern University psychology professor Laurie Kramer says. If you don't live with children this age, that stat may seem a tad dramatic; if you do, you're probably nodding.....»»
NASA payload aims to probe moon"s depths to study heat flow
Earth's nearest neighboring body in the solar system is its moon, yet to date, humans have physically explored just 5% of its surface. It wasn't until 2023—building on Apollo-era data and more detailed studies made in 2011–2012 by NASA's automate.....»»
Nanoliposomes pave way for treatment of rare genetic disorder
An international research team has developed a new therapy based on nanotechnology called nanoGLA for the treatment of Fabry disease. The new therapeutic solution has shown remarkable efficacy in preclinical studies. The study was published this Dece.....»»
Arctic Siberia summers were up to 10°C warmer than today during the Last Interglacial, study finds
Interglacials are, as the name suggests, warm periods between planetary glaciations when the expanse of ice on Earth shrinks. Currently, we are in an 11,000 year-long interglacial period known as the Holocene. Prior to this, the Last Interglacial occ.....»»
Study reveals how transcription factors navigate DNA architecture to shape cellular identity
A new study led by Prof. Yosef Buganim from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Dr. Abdenour Soufi from the University of Edinburgh reveals how transcription factors (TFs)—key proteins that regulate gene activity—navigate DNA and chromatin str.....»»
Arctic snow shows up to 71 times more PFAS during sunny months
PFAS refers collectively to the thousands of man-made chemicals that take a very long time to break down in nature. None of these substances occur naturally—also called forever chemicals, and several are suspected of negatively affecting humans and.....»»
First-of-its-kind study uses remote sensing to monitor plastic debris in rivers and lakes
A first-of-its-kind study from researchers at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities shows how remote sensing can help monitor and remove plastic debris from freshwater environments like the Mississippi River......»»
Near-extinct Caribbean reptile makes epic comeback
The Sombrero ground lizard, endemic to a tiny Caribbean island near Anguilla, is a critically endangered reptile. In 2018, it was estimated that fewer than 100 individuals of the species were left in the wild—it was on the very brink of extinction......»»
Study reveals how global connections boost city economies
As city population grows, so does violent crime, contagious diseases, and per-capita GDP. A significant body of research has investigated what drives this scaling relationship, examining factors within a city......»»
Top 10 plant and fungal species named new to science in 2024
Scientists from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and their partners reveal their pick of the top 10 plants and fungi named new to science in 2024......»»
A user manual for yeast"s genetic switches: Researchers provide three design principles
When introducing genes into yeast to make it produce drugs and other useful substances, it is also necessary to reliably switch the production on or off. A Kobe University team found three gene regulation design principles that provide a flexible gui.....»»
Parental identity, not ethnicity, influences education spending patterns: Study
How much parents spend on their children's education has a big impact on family well-being and a country's overall development. While past studies have suggested that ethnic and racial backgrounds affect this spending, they lacked solid experimental.....»»
Boomerang workers: helpful returnees or resented colleagues?
While movement from job to job throughout one's career is expected, little research has evaluated the effects of hiring boomerang workers—those who return to a former employer. A new study by a University of California, Davis, researcher and collea.....»»
Study finds aquatic vegetation removal benefits health and economy
Turning aquatic vegetation near agricultural land into compost simultaneously eradicates habitat for disease-carrying snails while improving agricultural output and increasing incomes in northern Senegal, Cornell researchers have found......»»
Researchers identify 35 new lizard species on Caribbean islands
A new scientific study from Temple University's College of Science and Technology (CST) has identified 35 new species of forest lizards, all from islands in the Caribbean. However, that same study has also found that these species of lizards won't be.....»»
Researchers address material challenges to make commercial fusion power a reality
Imagine if we could take the energy of the sun, put it in a container, and use it to provide green, sustainable power for the world. Creating commercial fusion power plants would essentially make this idea a reality. However, there are several scient.....»»
New Catly trailer shows what the controversial game actually looks like
After stirring controversy with its confusing Game Awards reveal, Catly now has a gameplay trailer that shows what it actually looks like......»»