Researchers identify 35 new lizard species on Caribbean islands
A new scientific study from Temple University's College of Science and Technology (CST) has identified 35 new species of forest lizards, all from islands in the Caribbean. However, that same study has also found that these species of lizards won't be.....»»

Stem cell transplants could save the world"s corals, say researchers
Climate change is bleaching and killing off vast amounts of the world's coral due to rising sea temperatures. Dr. Benyamin Rosental of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and his colleagues have proposed an out of the box potential solution: transplan.....»»
Finding the "sweet spot": Marine animals save energy by swimming at optimal depths
Researchers from Swansea and Deakin Universities have found that marine animals across mammals, birds and reptiles swim at similar relative depths when traveling and not feeding to save energy......»»
Unidentified jumping bristletail exhibits extreme specialization in male external genitalia
Researchers at Meijo University and University of Tsukuba collected and taxonomically re-examined numerous enigmatic jumping bristletails. These were first reported 75 years ago. The team observed extreme specialization in the external genitalia of t.....»»
Metal-organic framework film improves isomer separation control
Researchers have developed a method to enhance the separation of chemical isomers by controlling molecular diffusion. Utilizing a metal-organic framework thin film, they applied dynamic chemical interactions to adjust pore dynamics and reverse isomer.....»»
MUT-1244 targeting security researchers, red teamers, and threat actors
A threat actor tracked as MUT-1244 by DataDog researchers has been targeting academics, pentesters, red teamers, security researchers, as well as other threat actors, in order to steal AWS access keys, WordPress account credentials and other sensitiv.....»»
Simulation sheds light on Earth"s magnetic field generation while advancing neuromorphic computing
How does the Earth generate its magnetic field? While the basic mechanisms seem to be understood, many details remain unresolved. A team of researchers from the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Sa.....»»
Wildfires in radioactive areas found to heighten river contamination risks
Wildfires in radiologically contaminated areas pose substantial risks, such as the redistribution of radionuclides and increased radiation exposure for residents. A team of researchers from the University of Tsukuba investigated the effects of a larg.....»»
Scientists propose strategy for increasing rice yield while reducing fertilizer use
Researchers from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a sustainable technology to selectively reduce nitrate to ammonium. This innovation delivers three benefits: It increases ri.....»»
A biochip for fish detection using eDNA
Dolly Varden is a rare species of fish found in the Nooksack River basin of northwestern Washington state. Although they have flyrods in tow, Trout Unlimited volunteers' primary tool of choice is an environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling kit. This tool en.....»»
Closest relative of "magic mushroom" discovered in Africa
A team of biologists, mycologists and microbiologists in the U.S., South Africa and Zimbabwe reports that a species of mushroom growing in parts of Africa is the closest relative of Psilocybe cubensis, the most widespread hallucinogenic mushroom know.....»»
What type of AI system best suits your management style?
As managers face more pressure in implementing artificial intelligence (AI) into the workflow, a study from researchers at Florida Atlantic University and two other schools offers insights to help managers adapt......»»
Newly discovered degradation process for mRNA could lead to clinical treatments
Researchers at the University of Würzburg have discovered a process that breaks down mRNA molecules in the human body particularly efficiently. This could be useful, for example, in the treatment of cancer. The study is published in Molecular Cell......»»
Rapid evolution: African clawed frog sex determination challenges prevailing theory
Researchers at McMaster University have uncovered unexpected diversity in the genetic processes that determine the sex of the African clawed frog, a significant discovery in what was already one of the most widely studied amphibians in the world......»»
Scientists learn how to make nanotubes that point in one direction
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have made tungsten disulfide nanotubes which point in the same direction when formed, for the first time. They used a sapphire surface under carefully controlled conditions to form arrayed tungsten disul.....»»
Race against time for rescuers as hundreds feared dead in Mayotte
Rescuers raced against time Monday to reach survivors after a devastating cyclone ripped through the French Indian Ocean territory of Mayotte, destroying homes across the islands, with hundreds feared dead......»»
Completing the "timetree" of primates: A new way to map the evolutionary history of life on Earth
In a new article published in Frontiers in Bioinformatics, biologists Dr. Jack M Craig, Dr. Blair Hedges, and Dr. Sudhir Kumar, all at Temple University, have built an evolutionary tree that encompasses 455 primates, every species for which genetic d.....»»
Huge and rare Mekong catfish spotted in Cambodia, raising conservation hopes
Six critically endangered Mekong giant catfish—one of the largest and rarest freshwater fish in the world—were caught and released recently in Cambodia, reviving hopes for the survival of the species......»»
Saturday Citations: M87* lashes out; a deep sleep discovery; proposal to build a digital cell
I love it when researchers observe an extra-weird particle, and this week, scientists reported the observation of a particle that only has mass when it's moving in a single direction. Good enough! An ancient DNA analysis suggests that Neanderthals an.....»»
Surveys show full scale of massive seabird die-off due to Pacific Ocean heat wave
Murres, a common seabird, look a little like flying penguins. These stout, tuxedo-styled birds dive and swim in the ocean to eat small fish and then fly back to islands or coastal cliffs where they nest in large colonies. But their hardy physiques di.....»»
Airborne observations identify major source of US landfill methane emissions
A team has found via testing from airplanes that landfill work faces tend to be responsible for the biggest share of methane emissions in U.S. landfills. Their findings are published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology. The researcher.....»»