Research unravels dual role of membrane protein in rice ethylene signal transduction
A research team, led by Professor Zhang Jinsong from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed insights into the mechanism by which the membrane protein MHZ3 collaborates with the ethylene.....»»

The "wood wide web": Research questions tree-to-tree nutrient sharing via fungi
The idea of trees "talking" to one another through underground fungal networks—the so-called "wood wide web"—has captured the imagination of the public. This concept, where trees supposedly share nutrients with each other via these networks, has.....»»
Biomolecules under deep Earth conditions help refine primordial soup theory for possible origins of life
A collaborative research team has made significant progress in studying the abiotic synthesis and stability of biomolecules in C-H-O-N fluids under deep Earth conditions......»»
COVID-19 reduced sex offender behavior in UK, research shows
The number of sex offenses committed by strangers decreased significantly in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic, new research shows......»»
School segregation widens racial achievement gaps among Black, white and Hispanic students
New sociological research finds that school segregation continues to widen racial achievement gaps among Black, Hispanic, and white students in U.S. public schools. Analyzing standardized test scores from millions of students, researchers concluded t.....»»
What polar bear poop can tell us about the future of the vulnerable northern species
Before heading out to do their fieldwork, Dr. Stephanie Collins, Jing Lu and their team would scan the horizon, get tips from local residents and check a whiteboard at the research station in Churchill, Manitoba, where they had settled in to do their.....»»
Resurrecting an ancestral protein as a novel tool to study RNA biology
By deducing the possible ancient forms of a bacterial enzyme, OIST scientists have resurrected one of its ancestral versions, with a comparably higher ability to chemically modify RNA......»»
New understanding of a cancer-relevant protein reveals opportunities for drug discovery
A new approach to targeting a protein involved in cell division, which can misfunction in cancer, has revealed new insights into how it functions......»»
Marine conservation law and policy: Research investigates effectiveness of UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
A decade ago, a Singapore Management University academic took in the sights of colorful, healthy corals playing host and habitat to myriad marine creatures at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia......»»
Scientists develop self-sustained protein transport and tissue assembly in artificial cells
In a new Nature Communications study, scientists have developed a novel method for artificial cells to interact with their external environment without the need for complex modification processes......»»
Exploring the ecological role of deep-sea viruses
The significance of deep-sea virology and its impact on global climate and biogeochemical structures is not unknown, though its importance might be understated......»»
Topographic amplification: Mountain shape determines risk of landslides in earthquakes
In mountainous areas, earthquakes can sometimes be amplified by the shape of the landscape. Research by the University of Twente shows that further from the epicenter, the shape of the terrain's topography increases the risk of landslides. Closer to.....»»
Shade improves cattle welfare and growth, research shows
The heftiest and happiest cattle this summer will be those kept in the shade, according to new research out of Murdoch University......»»
Landmark study reveals stark failure to halt Murray-Darling River decline
Some A$13 billion in taxpayer dollars and 30 years of policy reform have failed to arrest the devastating decline in the health of Australia's most important river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, new research shows......»»
Real vs fake: The sustainable Christmas tree debate
Real Christmas trees may be a more eco-friendly option compared to artificial trees, research from the University of Sheffield has revealed......»»
How AI is transforming human risk management
While human error has always posed a cybersecurity risk, AI and emerging tech are playing an evolving role in Human Risk Management – uncovering new needs, challenges, and pain points. In this Help Net Security video, Bret Fund, SVP and General Man.....»»
New research hints wearables could one day sense our emotions
Scientists have demonstrated that skin conductance can help measure our core emotions. It's only a matter of time before EDA sensors on wearables implement it......»»
Andrew Garfield says he had to work very hard to get people to ask less about Spider-Man
The actor says that he was grateful for the role, in part because of other projects it helped him land......»»
Evidence of silk found in Bronze Age sacrificial pits
China National Silk Museum and the Sichuan Research Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology have confirmed the use of silk in sacrificial rituals by a Bronze Age civilization in the Yangtze River Basin. The findings provide direct archaeological.....»»
"I am exhausted": Australian teachers speak about how compassion fatigue is harming them and their work
Teachers' jobs involve more than just teaching the required curriculum. A significant part of their role includes providing emotional support to their students.....»»
Conceptual model illuminates role of polar ice sheets in climate tipping points
Polar ice sheets are critical for climate projections, according to new research published Nov. 27 in the journal Nature Communications Earth & Environment. Improving understanding of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets is essential for reducing t.....»»