
Research team develops a washable, transparent, and flexible OLED with MXene nanotechnology

Transparent and flexible displays, which have received a lot of attention in various fields including automobile displays, bio–health care, military, and fashion, are in fact known to break easily when experiencing small deformations. To solve this.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgJul 25th, 2023

Algorithms can determine whether a whiskey is of American or Scotch origin

Two machine learning algorithms can determine whether a whiskey is of American or Scotch origin and identify its strongest aromas, according to research published in Communications Chemistry. The results also suggest that the algorithms can outperfor.....»»

Category: topSource:  theglobeandmailRelated News1 hr. 20 min. ago

Financial stress in leaders harms team performance and morale

The number one stressor across the globe is money, and New Mexico is no stranger to financial pressure. New Mexico has one of the highest poverty rates in the United States, and policymakers have been trying to address this with different policies an.....»»

Category: topSource:  theglobeandmailRelated News1 hr. 20 min. ago

Cenotectic concept redefines search for life on icy worlds

As NASA's Europa Clipper embarks on its historic journey to Jupiter's icy moon, Europa, Dr. Matt Powell-Palm, a faculty member at Texas A&M University's Department of Mechanical Engineering, has unveiled research that could transform our understandin.....»»

Category: topSource:  theglobeandmailRelated News1 hr. 20 min. ago

Nanoliposomes pave way for treatment of rare genetic disorder

An international research team has developed a new therapy based on nanotechnology called nanoGLA for the treatment of Fabry disease. The new therapeutic solution has shown remarkable efficacy in preclinical studies. The study was published this Dece.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News2 hr. 48 min. ago

South Florida"s beachfront buildings found to be sinking faster than expected

A team of mechanical, architectural and environmental engineers, geoscientists, and geoinformation specialists affiliated with several institutions in the U.S. and Germany has found that many of the tall, heavy buildings along the coast of South Flor.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News2 hr. 48 min. ago

Unveiling the uncharted Milky Way: Completing the galactic stellar map

By peering into the cosmic dance of stars, a team led by researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) has unraveled the complex structure of our Milky Way galaxy. Assuming that each observed star represents a larger populatio.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News3 hr. 20 min. ago

In-plane magnetic fields reveal new Hall effect behaviors in advanced materials

In-plane magnetic fields are responsible for inducing anomalous Hall effect in EuCd2Sb2 films, report researchers from the Institute of Science Tokyo. By studying how these fields change electronic structures, the team discovered a large in-plane ano.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News3 hr. 20 min. ago

New strategies enhance stability of metal nanoparticles in green hydrogen production

Efficient and durable low-cost catalysts are essential for green hydrogen production and related chemical fuel production, both vital technologies for the transition to renewable energy. Research in this field increasingly focuses on metal exsolution.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News3 hr. 20 min. ago

Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: New calculation confirms Standard Model of particle physics

The magnetic moment of the muon is an important precision parameter for putting the Standard Model of particle physics to the test. After years of work, the research group led by Professor Hartmut Wittig of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence at Johann.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News4 hr. 48 min. ago

Faster way to calculate electron structure makes it easier to discover new materials

Figuring out certain aspects of a material's electron structure can take a lot out of a computer—up to a million CPU hours, in fact. A team of Yale researchers, though, are using a type of artificial intelligence to make these calculations much fas.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News4 hr. 48 min. ago

Study reveals how global connections boost city economies

As city population grows, so does violent crime, contagious diseases, and per-capita GDP. A significant body of research has investigated what drives this scaling relationship, examining factors within a city......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News5 hr. 20 min. ago

Reflected moonlight found to make barn owls less visible to prey

A team of biology and optics researchers affiliated with a host of institutions in Spain has found that the unique undercoating of the barn owl helps to make it less visible to prey when flying under the moon and starlit skies......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News5 hr. 20 min. ago

A user manual for yeast"s genetic switches: Researchers provide three design principles

When introducing genes into yeast to make it produce drugs and other useful substances, it is also necessary to reliably switch the production on or off. A Kobe University team found three gene regulation design principles that provide a flexible gui.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News7 hr. 48 min. ago

Plumbing poverty: More people living without running water in US cities since global financial crisis

More American cities—even those seen as affluent—are home to people living without running water as people are being "squeezed" by unaffordable housing and the cost-of-living crisis, new research finds......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated News7 hr. 48 min. ago

Apple collaborates with NVIDIA to research faster LLM performance

In a blog post today, Apple engineers have shared new details on a collaboration with NVIDIA to implement faster text generation performance with large language models. Apple published and open sourced its Recurrent Drafter (ReDrafter) technique.....»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated News19 hr. 19 min. ago

Nonlinear "skin effect" unveiled in antiferromagnetic materials

A team of researchers has identified a unique phenomenon, a "skin effect," in the nonlinear optical responses of antiferromagnetic materials. The research, published in Physical Review Letters, provides new insights into the properties of these mater.....»»

Category: topSource:  pcmagRelated News20 hr. 20 min. ago

Boomerang workers: helpful returnees or resented colleagues?

While movement from job to job throughout one's career is expected, little research has evaluated the effects of hiring boomerang workers—those who return to a former employer. A new study by a University of California, Davis, researcher and collea.....»»

Category: topSource:  pcmagRelated News20 hr. 20 min. ago

This LG 4K OLED has a bendable screen — and a $1,300 discount

The world didn’t ask for a bendable 4K OLED screen, but we’re not going to say no to the LG 42-inch Flex Smart TV, especially when it’s $1,300 off!.....»»

Category: topSource:  digitaltrendsRelated News20 hr. 20 min. ago

How feelings of disconnection and lack of control fuel conspiracy beliefs—new research

Conspiracy theories have always been a part of society, offering explanations—sometimes simple, often elaborate—for complex events......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsDec 18th, 2024

The LG OLED T hits the U.S. and can be yours — for $60,000

The technologically impressive LG Signature OLED T is available at U.S. retailers now for a whopping $60,000......»»

Category: topSource:  digitaltrendsRelated NewsDec 18th, 2024