Promoting horse welfare with an intestinal disease screening method
Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, are developing a promising method to support the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in horses. Awareness of the prevalence of IBD in both humans and animals has increased in recent de.....»»

New transformer-based AI model enhances precision in rice leaf disease detection
Rice is one of the world's most essential food crops, but its production is constantly threatened by leaf diseases caused by pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses. These diseases, which manifest as spots or blotches on leaves, can severely i.....»»
Researchers pioneer method to detect dehydration in plants
Have you ever wondered if your plants were dry and dehydrated, or if you're not watering them enough? Farmers and green-fingered enthusiasts alike may soon have a way to find this out in real time. Over the past decade, researchers have been working.....»»
Researchers create high-resistant starch rice by impaired amylopectin synthesis
Rice is one of the most important staple crops and an excellent starch-provider. Resistant starch (RS) has shown beneficial effects on diabetes, weight management and inflammatory bowel disease......»»
Sustainable method can electrosynthesize important chemical for synthetic rubber production
Chemists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a sustainable method to electrosynthesize 1,3-butadiene, a feedstock used for synthetic rubber production, from acetylene......»»
Non-genetic reprogramming method to restore sweat gland function shows promise for burn victims
Sweat glands are vital for regulating body temperature, maintaining fluid balance, and supporting skin health. Yet, extensive skin injuries, such as burns, often result in the loss of these glands, leaving patients vulnerable to overheating, dehydrat.....»»
Scientists develop method "tetraplex digital PCR assay" for detecting DNA of invasive snakes in Florida
Scientists at the University of Florida have developed a pioneering tool to bolster Florida's defenses against invasive species: a DNA-based environmental monitoring test that can pinpoint where they've been, aiding eradication efforts......»»
Image-processing method enhances visualization of electron microscope images in rubber materials
Researchers at University of Tsukuba have developed a new imaging method that clearly visualizes nanoscale structures within rubber materials. The study is published in the journal ACS Applied Nano Materials......»»
New technique points to unexpected uses for snoRNA across many cell types
Dynamic, reversible modifications of DNA and RNA regulate how genes are expressed and transcribed, which can influence cellular processes, disease development, and overall organismal health. Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are a common but overlooked.....»»
Using light to create bioelectronics inside living organisms
Bioelectronics research and development of implants made of electrically conductive materials for disease treatment is advancing rapidly. However, bioelectronic treatment is not without complications. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have tak.....»»
Florida panthers deemed unaffected by emerging fatal genetic condition in new research
University of Central Florida researchers have helmed a study that found Florida panthers are not particularly susceptible to a potentially transmissible disease that causes cognitive decline leading to death in their prey. The findings abate concern.....»»
Arts universities found to have significant societal role in promoting social sustainability
In her doctoral research, Outi Niemensivu explores how arts universities' principles of internationalization and social sustainability intersect and are realized in local, intercultural contexts......»»
Using gas bubbles to precisely deliver nanomedicines shows promise for lung cancer treatment
The delivery of nanomedicines using gas bubbles has shown itself to be a unique way of transporting cytotoxins to the lungs of cancer patients. The method enables precise and focused treatments, and the local action of the drugs also prevents a range.....»»
Fast fashion may seem cheap, but it"s taking a costly toll on the planet and on millions of young customers
Fast fashion is everywhere—in just about every mall, in the feeds of influencers on social media promoting overconsumption, and in ads constantly popping up online......»»
New organic molecule design can lead to long-lasting, durable OLEDs for displays
Scientists have developed a method to improve the stability and efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), a technology used in smartphones, TVs, and other electronic displays......»»
Product showcase: Augmenting penetration testing with Plainsea
Human-led penetration testing is an essential practice for any organization seeking to proactively address potential attack vectors. However, this indispensable pentesting method is often limited by several factors: high resource demands, project tim.....»»
Low-cost phenotyping system unveils key insights into quantitative disease resistance in wild tomatoes
Quantitative disease resistance (QDR) is a complex but durable form of plant disease resistance that provides partial protection against a broad range of pathogens. Unlike qualitative resistance, driven by major resistance (R) genes, QDR is polygenic.....»»
School social workers an underutilized resource as mental health challenges in children sees increase
Youth in America are experiencing a mental health crisis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC reports that an increasing number of students are experiencing symptoms of hopelessness, depression, and anxiety, alo.....»»
Megapixel fluorescence microscopy through scattering layers made simple
A team from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has introduced a new method for megapixel-scale fluorescence microscopy through complex scattering media. This approach resolves high-resolution images from several tens of widefield fluorescence-microsc.....»»
Turning carbon emissions into methane fuel: New method offers potential for abundant energy savings
Chemists have developed a novel way to capture and convert carbon dioxide into methane, suggesting that future gas emissions could be converted into an alternative fuel using electricity from renewable sources......»»
Human Cell Atlas achieves leap in the understanding of the human body
Researchers with the global Human Cell Atlas (HCA) consortium report significant progress in their quest for a better understanding of the cells of the human body in health and disease, with the publication on 20 November of a collection of more than.....»»