Precise genetics: New CRISPR method enables efficient DNA modification
With the revolutionary CRISPR/Cas technology, the DNA of living organisms can be precisely altered. Using a guide RNA that recognizes a specific DNA sequence, Cas9 protein is recruited to that sequence and cuts the DNA. This targeted cut allows the D.....»»

Neon Authorize: Granular access controls at the database layer
Neon, the serverless Postgres database built for developers, launched Neon Authorize. It enables developers to manage permissions and access controls with ease. This new offering leverages Postgres RLS (Row-Level Security) – a Postgres primitive th.....»»
Immuta Data Marketplace automates data access workflows
Immuta announced an expansion of its platform with the launch of a new Data Marketplace solution to power fast and safe internal data sharing. Fueling a data marketplace that is owned and managed by the customer, the Immuta Platform enables rapid, da.....»»
Precise layering in catalysts offers an improved way for building sustainable chemicals
Motivated to turn greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into high value chemicals like methanol, EPFL chemical engineers have developed a new method to make catalysts. Catalysts are major tools in the chemical industry and are largely made to make pet.....»»
How can you write data to DNA without changing the base sequence?
A new method lets anyone with a kit write data to DNA with just one enzyme. Zettabytes—that’s 1021 bytes—of data are currently generated every year. All of those cat videos.....»»
Using multimode propulsion for more efficient trips in space
Over the span of two projects, researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign investigated using a propulsion concept known as multimode propulsion to get spacecraft to the moon and developed a technique to design optimal multimode transf.....»»
Japan-style "tiny forests" are taking root in British cities
A staggering 1 in 3 people in England lack access to nature-rich spaces within a short walk from their homes. Now, a growing movement is bringing nature back to cities across the UK. The Miyawaki forest method involves planting a diverse mix of dense.....»»
Scientists demonstrate precise control over artificial microswimmers using electric fields
In a new study in Physical Review Letters, scientists have demonstrated a method to control artificial microswimmers using electric fields and fluid flow. These microscopic droplets could pave the way for targeted drug delivery and microrobotics......»»
Engineered bacterial protein offers efficient rare earth metal separation
A newly discovered protein naturally houses an unusual binding site that can differentiate between rare earth elements, and researchers at Penn State have made it even better. Rare earth elements are key components used in everything from modern tech.....»»
CRISPR-Cas10 can flood virally infected bacteria with toxic molecules, researchers discover
CRISPR-Cas9 has long been likened to a kind of genetic scissors, thanks to its ability to snip out any desired section of DNA with elegant precision......»»
Researchers discover revolutionary method to rid farm soils of microplastics — here"s how it could transform food supply
Researchers discover revolutionary method to rid farm soils of microplastics — here"s how it could transform food supply.....»»
Graphene oxide and chitosan sponge found to be ten times more efficient at removing gold from e-waste
A team of chemists and materials scientists at the National University of Singapore, working with colleagues from Manchester University, in the U.K., and Guangdong University of Technology, in China, has developed a type of sponge made of graphene ox.....»»
Study: DNA corroborates “Well-man” tale from Norse saga
The "Well-man" likely had blue eyes, blond or light-brown hair, and hailed from southern Norway. A 12th-century Norse saga tells of an invading army from the south razing a castl.....»»
Novel light source enables better temporal resolution of UV-induced molecular dynamics
The Attosecond Science group at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science has developed a novel light source capable of producing extremely short pulses for the investigation of UV-induced molecular dynamics with unprecedented temporal resolution. S.....»»
A new spectroscopy method reveals water"s quantum secrets
For the first time, EPFL researchers have exclusively observed molecules participating in hydrogen bonds in liquid water, measuring electronic and nuclear quantum effects that were previously accessible only via theoretical simulations......»»
Synthesis method improves catalytic activity by controlling the surface structure of metal particles
Fine-tuning the reactions that produce hydrogen (H2) for use as a clean fuel is an important endeavor to fight against climate change. Researchers at Tohoku University and the Tokyo University of Science have succeeded in improving the catalytic acti.....»»
New method achieves functional protein delivery into living cells
In cooperation with researchers from the China University of Petroleum, the working group of Dr. Werner Nau, Professor of Chemistry at Constructor University, has demonstrated the effectiveness of a new method of intracellular protein transport......»»
Study shows weak external electric fields may protect crops from infection
Research from Dr. Giovanni Sena's group in the Department of Life Sciences highlights an intriguing method to help protect plants from pathogen attacks using weak electric fields......»»
Synthetic asexual reproduction system in hybrid rice shows promise for seed production
Apomixis is a form of asexual reproduction that allows hybrid rice to propagate by seeds. Recently, a collaborative research team led by Professor Li Jiayang from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB) of the Chinese Academy of Sc.....»»
Fringe photometric stereo method improves speed and accuracy of 3D surface measurements
Researchers have developed a faster and more accurate method for acquiring and reconstructing high-quality 3D surface measurements. The approach could greatly improve the speed and accuracy of surface measurements used for industrial inspection, medi.....»»
Nanomedicine advances deliver precise antibiotic doses to fight infections and drug resistance
Researchers from the University of Waterloo have developed a new technology that can hold an entire course of antibiotics in one tiny dose and deliver on demand just the right amount of medication that a particular patient needs to fight an infection.....»»