New study challenges conventional wisdom that Americans are "pocketbook voters"
A new study that examined voting in the 2022 United States congressional elections shows that views on abortion were central to shifting votes in the midterm elections. Despite severe inflation and grave concerns about deteriorating economic conditio.....»»

Study examines ex-ultra-Orthodox use of social media to cope with their new path in life
Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim) who decide to leave the community and disaffiliate are at a stressful crossroads in their life. Many leave close-knit communities for an initially lonely path in a world they may not be very familiar with......»»
Swedish oak forests study reveals unexpected patterns in biodiversity, poses challenge for conservation
A new study from Linnaeus University reports that plant and insect diversity in Swedish oak forests increases toward the north. This finding contrasts with established global biodiversity patterns and poses a challenge for the development of climate-.....»»
Machine learning framework improves groundwater recharge estimates in Western Australia
A new study led by Griffith University has unveiled a machine learning-based framework to accurately estimate groundwater recharge in the Perth Basin, with a particular focus on the Gnangara groundwater system......»»
Why some drug traffickers are more likely to be reconvicted than others
One in two "typical" drug traffickers convicted in NSW between 2000 and 2023 will have no further contact with the criminal justice system after release, according to an Australian-first study published in the International Journal of Drug Policy......»»
Survey of 26,000 dead stars confirms key details of extreme stellar behavior
A study of more than 26,000 white dwarf stars has confirmed a long-predicted but elusive effect in these ultra-dense, dying stars: Hotter white dwarfs are slightly puffier than cooler ones, even when they have the same mass......»»
Study explores effects of particle emissions from offshore wind farms on blue mussels
After several years of service under harsh weather conditions, the rotor blades of offshore wind parks are subjected to degradation and surface erosion, releasing sizeable quantities of particle emissions into the environment......»»
Research reveals mental health"s impact on parole rearrest likelihood
Individuals who have a mental illness are more likely to be rearrested after being released from prison than those without a mental illness, according to a new study by a University at Buffalo School of Social Work researcher......»»
Climate change made Cyclone Chido stronger: Scientists
Climate change intensified Cyclone Chido as it barreled toward the Indian Ocean archipelago of Mayotte, said a preliminary study by scientists studying the link between global warming and tropical storms......»»
Syphilis had its roots in the Americas, archaeological bone study suggests
In spring 1495, the Italian campaign of Charles VIII of France was interrupted by an intense outbreak of an apparently unknown illness—a disease of high mortality that quickly engulfed the whole of Europe and left its survivors with life-changing i.....»»
Dormant massive black hole in the early universe challenges existing models
Scientists have spotted a massive black hole in the early universe that is "napping" after stuffing itself with too much food. Like a bear gorging itself on salmon before hibernating for the winter, or a much-needed nap after Christmas dinner, this b.....»»
Topographic complexity: A blueprint for biodiversity conservation
In the intricate landscapes of karst regions, the subtle interplay of slopes, soils, and microclimates is shaping the survival of plant species. A new study published in Forest Ecosystems has revealed how the unique structure of dolines—topographic.....»»
Carnivorous squirrels documented in California
A ground squirrel with cheeks stuffed with nuts, seeds or grains is a common sight. But a new study provides the first evidence that California ground squirrels also hunt, kill and eat voles. The study, led by the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire a.....»»
The social cost of carbon: Study finds current estimates omit key effects
The social cost of carbon—an important figure that global policymakers use to analyze the benefits of climate and energy policies—is too low, according to a study led by the University of California, Davis......»»
Brain cells mature faster in space but stay healthy: ISS study
Microgravity is known to alter the muscles, bones, the immune system and cognition, but little is known about its specific impact on the brain. To discover how brain cells respond to microgravity, Scripps Research scientists, in collaboration with th.....»»
Study claims all observables in nature can be measured with a single constant: The second
A group of Brazilian researchers has presented an innovative proposal to resolve a decades-old debate among theoretical physicists: How many fundamental constants are needed to describe the observable universe? Here, the term "fundamental constants".....»»
Companies issuing RTO mandates “lose their best talent”: Study
Despite the risks, firms and Trump are eager to get people back into offices. Return-to-office (RTO) mandates have caused companies to lose some of their best workers, a study tra.....»»
The physics of random stacking: Perspectives on stability and chaos
Pile up blocks until the tower collapses. But why does the tower always end up collapsing? Is it possible that it can be built ad infinitum? A study published in the International Journal of Solids and Structures explores the fascinating and complex.....»»
Mathematics reveals how the size of cellular components is regulated
Sebastian Persson uses mathematical models as a complement to experiments to study biological systems in his doctoral thesis. He has also developed software to more efficiently work with dynamic models......»»
Submarines for space exploration
Submarines are emerging as a unique research platform to study human adaption to extreme environments—from ocean depths to outer space......»»
Researchers achieve near-unity quantum efficiency in 2D photon emitters
Leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum computers can perform calculations at lightning-fast speeds, enabling them to solve complex problems faster than conventional computers. In quantum technology applications such as quantum comput.....»»