Kelvin wave research may lead to more accurate forecasting of active hurricane periods
More accurately predicting periods of increased hurricane activity weeks in advance may become possible due to new research published this month published in the journal Monthly Weather Review......»»

Algorithms can determine whether a whiskey is of American or Scotch origin
Two machine learning algorithms can determine whether a whiskey is of American or Scotch origin and identify its strongest aromas, according to research published in Communications Chemistry. The results also suggest that the algorithms can outperfor.....»»
Cenotectic concept redefines search for life on icy worlds
As NASA's Europa Clipper embarks on its historic journey to Jupiter's icy moon, Europa, Dr. Matt Powell-Palm, a faculty member at Texas A&M University's Department of Mechanical Engineering, has unveiled research that could transform our understandin.....»»
A new way of thinking about skyrmion motion could lead to more robust electronics
The future storage and processing of data stand to benefit greatly from tiny magnetic whirlpools known as skyrmions, which are robust against noise and may be useful in lower power consumption devices. The development of skyrmion-based technologies h.....»»
Nanoliposomes pave way for treatment of rare genetic disorder
An international research team has developed a new therapy based on nanotechnology called nanoGLA for the treatment of Fabry disease. The new therapeutic solution has shown remarkable efficacy in preclinical studies. The study was published this Dece.....»»
Arctic Siberia summers were up to 10°C warmer than today during the Last Interglacial, study finds
Interglacials are, as the name suggests, warm periods between planetary glaciations when the expanse of ice on Earth shrinks. Currently, we are in an 11,000 year-long interglacial period known as the Holocene. Prior to this, the Last Interglacial occ.....»»
New strategies enhance stability of metal nanoparticles in green hydrogen production
Efficient and durable low-cost catalysts are essential for green hydrogen production and related chemical fuel production, both vital technologies for the transition to renewable energy. Research in this field increasingly focuses on metal exsolution.....»»
Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound led a new kind of retro revival wave at The Game Awards
Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound and other retro revivals announced at The Game Awards 2024 understand what's required to bring a classic back......»»
Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: New calculation confirms Standard Model of particle physics
The magnetic moment of the muon is an important precision parameter for putting the Standard Model of particle physics to the test. After years of work, the research group led by Professor Hartmut Wittig of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence at Johann.....»»
Molecular gardening: New enzymes discovered for protein modification pruning
Deubiquitinases (DUBs) are enzymes used by cells to trim protein modifications made from the protein ubiquitin, and thereby regulate proteins. Malfunctioning of DUBs could lead to diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders......»»
Study reveals how global connections boost city economies
As city population grows, so does violent crime, contagious diseases, and per-capita GDP. A significant body of research has investigated what drives this scaling relationship, examining factors within a city......»»
Plumbing poverty: More people living without running water in US cities since global financial crisis
More American cities—even those seen as affluent—are home to people living without running water as people are being "squeezed" by unaffordable housing and the cost-of-living crisis, new research finds......»»
Apple collaborates with NVIDIA to research faster LLM performance
In a blog post today, Apple engineers have shared new details on a collaboration with NVIDIA to implement faster text generation performance with large language models. Apple published and open sourced its Recurrent Drafter (ReDrafter) technique.....»»
Distant blazar discovery supports rapid black hole formation in the early universe
Astronomers have discovered an important piece of the puzzle of how supermassive black holes were able to grow so quickly in the early universe: a special kind of active galactic nucleus so distant that its light has taken more than 12.9 billion year.....»»
Massive volcanic eruptions did not cause the extinction of dinosaurs, say climate scientists
Massive volcanic eruptions on the Indian peninsula have long been proposed as an alternative cause for the demise of the dinosaurs. This phase of active volcanism took place in a period just before Earth was struck by a meteorite, 66 million years ag.....»»
Nonlinear "skin effect" unveiled in antiferromagnetic materials
A team of researchers has identified a unique phenomenon, a "skin effect," in the nonlinear optical responses of antiferromagnetic materials. The research, published in Physical Review Letters, provides new insights into the properties of these mater.....»»
Boomerang workers: helpful returnees or resented colleagues?
While movement from job to job throughout one's career is expected, little research has evaluated the effects of hiring boomerang workers—those who return to a former employer. A new study by a University of California, Davis, researcher and collea.....»»
Powerbeats Pro earbuds have a $70 discount, but act fast!
The lightweight and comfortable Beats Powerbeats Pro are getting the deals treatment in the lead-up to Christmas. Get them today for just $130!.....»»
Z-Wave Long Range and its mile-long capabilities will arrive next year
Few homes will need it, but the (literal) edge cases are quite intriguing. Z-Wave can be a very robust automation network, free from the complications and fragility of Wi-Fi and B.....»»
How feelings of disconnection and lack of control fuel conspiracy beliefs—new research
Conspiracy theories have always been a part of society, offering explanations—sometimes simple, often elaborate—for complex events......»»
Fluorination strategy unlocks graphene"s potential for optoelectronic and energy applications
Researchers from Tohoku University and collaborators have developed a weak fluorination strategy to address the zero-bandgap limitation of graphene. Details of the research were published in the journal Applied Physics Letters......»»