
Diagnosing oak wilt with the naked eye

University of Minnesota researchers developed a groundbreaking method for the rapid and accurate detection of oak wilt, a devastating disease threatening oak trees across North America. The disease is widespread in east-central and southeast Minnesot.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgSep 3rd, 2024

I reviewed HTC’s new Vive Focus Vision, a lossless VR headset built for PC gaming

I reviewed HTC's Vive Focus Vision, a lossless PCVR headset with eye-tracking and standalone capability......»»

Category: topSource:  digitaltrendsRelated NewsOct 3rd, 2024

Study traces wild cat eye color diversity to ancient ancestor

Fans of Clementine, the cat who recently captivated TikTok with her rare eye color, should take note. The piercing golden gaze of cheetahs, the striking blue stare of snow leopards, and the luminous green glare of leopards are all traits that can be.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsOct 2nd, 2024

How Android Users Can Minimize Blue Light’s Effects on Eye Health

As smartphones become increasingly essential for school, work, and daily life, individuals utilize mobile operating systems like Android for more efficient research, communication, and overall connectivity.  In fact, a report reveals that Android co.....»»

Category: asiaSource:  phandroidRelated NewsOct 2nd, 2024

Can you see Earth"s new "minimoon" with the naked eye?

Can you see Earth"s new "minimoon" with the naked eye?.....»»

Category: topSource:  theglobeandmailRelated NewsOct 1st, 2024

Naked mole-rat found to have lost infection-resistant proteins

Scientists have found that the naked mole-rat—an underground rodent that lives up to 40 years—has lost a number of CD1 functional genes. The CD1 gene family in mammals is responsible for protein synthesis that protects the body against infectious.....»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated NewsSep 25th, 2024

Soil nutrient levels associated with suppression of banana Fusarium wilt disease

Fusarium wilt poses a significant threat to global agriculture, particularly affecting the banana industry, where it is commonly known as banana Panama disease. As a result, enhancing soil-related resistance has emerged as a crucial, environmentally.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsSep 12th, 2024

How the oceans" most abundant bacteria impact global nutrient flows

If you were to collect all the organisms from the ocean surface down to 200 meters, you'd find that SAR11 bacteria, though invisible to the naked eye, would make up a fifth of the total biomass. These bacteria, also known as Pelagibacterales, have ev.....»»

Category: topSource:  theglobeandmailRelated NewsSep 11th, 2024

Unlocking plant defense: Bacterial hijacking exposed

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum poses a severe threat to agriculture worldwide, affecting numerous crops. The pathogen's arsenal of type III effectors (T3Es) enables it to manipulate host defense mechanisms, aiding infection. One majo.....»»

Category: topSource:  theglobeandmailRelated NewsSep 10th, 2024

Diagnosing oak wilt with the naked eye

University of Minnesota researchers developed a groundbreaking method for the rapid and accurate detection of oak wilt, a devastating disease threatening oak trees across North America. The disease is widespread in east-central and southeast Minnesot.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsSep 3rd, 2024

Artificial intelligence is powering the latest fraud trends

The automotive retail industry was built on face-to-face interactions, but even experts often cannot spot an AI generated document with the naked eye......»»

Category: topSource:  autonewsRelated NewsAug 26th, 2024

Bulwark of blooms: The lily"s secret armor against plant pathogens

Fusarium wilt is a severe threat to the global cut-flower industry, particularly impacting lilies. Caused by Fusarium oxysporum, this disease results in significant economic losses due to plant decay and death. Traditional breeding methods have strug.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsAug 21st, 2024

Popular AI “nudify” sites sued amid shocking rise in victims globally

“Nudify” sites may be fined for making it easy to “see anyone naked,” suit says. Enlarge (credit: Viktoriya Skorikova | Moment) San Francisco's city attorney David Chiu is suing to shut down 16 of the most popula.....»»

Category: topSource:  arstechnicaRelated NewsAug 16th, 2024

Optical navigation tech could streamline planetary exploration

In a dim, barren landscape like the surface of the moon, it can be easy to get lost. With few discernable landmarks to navigate with the naked eye, astronauts and rovers must rely on other means to plot a course......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsAug 7th, 2024

How to test RAM: troubleshooting to find bad RAM

RAM is one of the key components of any computer. If you're diagnosing a problem with your PC, it's a good idea to check your RAM......»»

Category: topSource:  digitaltrendsRelated NewsAug 6th, 2024

Born to modulate: Researchers reveal origins of climate-controlling particles

Aerosol particles are tiny. Swirling suspended in the air around us, most are smaller than the smallest bug, thinner than the thinnest hair on your head, gossamer specks practically invisible to the naked eye. Newly formed ones are nano-sized. Yet th.....»»

Category: topSource:  theglobeandmailRelated NewsAug 3rd, 2024

How Kepler’s 400-year-old sunspot sketches helped solve a modern mystery

A sharp decline in sunspot activity in the 17th century has long puzzled astronomers. Enlarge / A naked-eye sunspot group on May 11, 2024. There are typically 40,000 to 50,000 sunspots observed in ~11-year solar cycles. (credit:.....»»

Category: topSource:  arstechnicaRelated NewsJul 31st, 2024

Researchers explore a single cell using advanced X-ray imaging techniques

Every plant, animal, and person is a rich microcosm of tiny, specialized cells. These cells are worlds unto themselves, each with their own unique parts and processes that elude the naked eye......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJul 23rd, 2024

Results suggests titanium-48"s nuclear structure changes when observed at varying distances

The world around us is made up of particles invisible to the naked eye, but physicists continue to gain insights into this mysterious realm. Findings published in Physical Review C by Osaka Metropolitan University researchers show that the nuclear st.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJul 19th, 2024

Zooplankton study challenges traditional views of evolution

In new research, Arizona State University scientists and their colleagues investigated genetic changes occurring in a naturally isolated population of the water flea, Daphnia pulex. This tiny crustacean, barely visible to the naked eye, plays a cruci.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsJul 15th, 2024

Court ordered penalties for 15 teens who created naked AI images of classmates

Teens ordered to attend classes on sex education and responsible use of AI. Enlarge (credit: master1305 | iStock / Getty Images Plus) A Spanish youth court has sentenced 15 minors to one year of probation after spreading.....»»

Category: topSource:  arstechnicaRelated NewsJul 10th, 2024