
Ancient clay remedy may have potential to boost modern gut health

A team of scientists has discovered that an ancient medicinal clay known as Lemnian earth (LE) could inspire new understanding of how to support present-day gut health......»»

Category: topSource:  pcmagDec 18th, 2024

One of the best modern war movies ever has an incredible Cyber Monday deal

One of the best World War II movies ever made is now on sale for Cyber Monday. Find out what it is and how can you can get a copy now......»»

Category: topSource:  digitaltrendsRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

Datadog Cloud SIEM accelerates security investigations

Datadog announced its modern approach to Cloud SIEM, which doesn’t require dedicated staff or specialized teams to activate the solution. This approach makes it easy for teams to onboard, de-risk migrations and democratize security practices wh.....»»

Category: securitySource:  netsecurityRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

Evidence of human-to-animal SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a Brazilian zoo

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais-led research at the Belo Horizonte Zoo in Minas Gerais, Brazil, has detected SARS-CoV-2 in multiple captive wild mammals, revealing potential human-to-animal transmission and viral evolution in new hosts......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

Ancient maize samples in Brazilian caves suggest the crop"s domestication may have been completed in South America

Brazilian scientists have determined that ancient specimens of partially domesticated maize (Zea mays, also known as corn) originally from Peruaçu Valley in Minas Gerais state (Brazil) were the farthest from Mexico, the plant's historic center of or.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

Resurrecting an ancestral protein as a novel tool to study RNA biology

By deducing the possible ancient forms of a bacterial enzyme, OIST scientists have resurrected one of its ancestral versions, with a comparably higher ability to chemically modify RNA......»»

Category: topSource:  pcmagRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

Getting to the bottom of Cenozoic deep-ocean temperatures

Understanding ancient ocean temperatures—particularly from the Cenozoic era (the past 66 million years), in which Earth experienced dramatic climate shifts—helps scientists reveal more about the planet's past climates......»»

Category: topSource:  pcmagRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

Clay minerals: Researchers observe for the first time how sediment particles align during deposition

Clay minerals are a major constituent of the Earth's surface and are mainly found in the sediments of lakes, rivers and oceans. The properties of clay and claystone depend on how the tiny sediment particles are orientated. Using the European Synchrot.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

Landmark study reveals stark failure to halt Murray-Darling River decline

Some A$13 billion in taxpayer dollars and 30 years of policy reform have failed to arrest the devastating decline in the health of Australia's most important river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, new research shows......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

From HR to work/life balance—How working life has (and hasn"t) changed since ancient Rome

While powerful figures tend to take up the most space in our history books, the vast majority of people in the ancient world were regular working class folks, and most people's lives revolved around the daily grind. A new book sheds light on working.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsDec 2nd, 2024

10 years ago, The Babadook changed modern horror forever

This month marks the 10th anniversary of the movie that kickstarted the modern elevated horror era. Here's why it still holds up......»»

Category: topSource:  digitaltrendsRelated NewsNov 30th, 2024

How web hosting affects SEO

Find the right web hosting solution can be a huge boost for your business......»»

Category: topSource:  informationweekRelated NewsNov 30th, 2024

The $60 Billion Potential Hiding in Your Discarded Gadgets

Rich nations mine just a fraction of e-waste, leaving $60 billion a year in critical metals wasting away in boxes and drawers. But in West Africa, a dangerous recycling work is thriving......»»

Category: gadgetSource:  wiredRelated NewsNov 30th, 2024

Tune In to the Healing Powers of a Decent Playlist

Music therapy will move from the fringes of modern medicine to become a sophisticated tool for improving health outcomes......»»

Category: gadgetSource:  wiredRelated NewsNov 30th, 2024

3 great Hulu movies you need to stream this weekend (November 29-December 1)

A modern action classic, a heartbreakingly beautiful animated film, and a holiday favorite are the three great Hulu movies you need to stream this weekend......»»

Category: topSource:  digitaltrendsRelated NewsNov 30th, 2024

Water treatment: Catching steroid hormones with nanotubes

Steroid hormones are among the most widespread aquatic micropollutants. They are harmful to human health, and they cause ecological imbalances in aquatic environments......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsNov 29th, 2024

Tellurium nanowires show potential for room-temperature ferroelectricity and data storage

A discovery by an international team of scientists has revealed room-temperature ferroelectric and resistive switching behaviors in single-element tellurium (Te) nanowires, paving the way for advancements in ultrahigh-density data storage and neuromo.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsNov 29th, 2024

Researchers call for harnessing agrifood value chains to help farmers be climate-smart

The global food system is uniquely vulnerable to climate impacts, making adaptation of paramount importance. While contributing roughly one-third of total anthropogenic emissions, food systems around the world fortunately also hold immense potential.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsNov 29th, 2024

Fishy fossil find points to possible polar bear ancestry for Scottish bears

New analysis of ancient bones and fossils found in a Highland cave has revealed them to be "fishier than the average bear" and could even suggest polar bears once roamed Scotland......»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsNov 29th, 2024

How sharing stories about river restoration can inspire others to take care of waterways

Water is the lifeblood of our planet. But in Aotearoa, New Zealand, a staggering two-thirds of the rivers monitored for water quality are classified as unswimmable. Only 2% of large lakes are deemed to be in "good health.".....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsNov 29th, 2024

A rising tide of e-waste, made worse by AI, threatens health, the environment and the economy

Our growing reliance on technology at home and in the workplace has raised the profile of e-waste. This consists of discarded electrical devices including laptops, smartphones, televisions, computer servers, washing machines, medical equipment, games.....»»

Category: topSource:  physorgRelated NewsNov 29th, 2024