"Jekyll and Hyde" leaders do lasting damage, new study shows
There's only one thing worse than an abusive boss—and that's a boss who thinks they can make up for their bad behavior by turning on the charm the following day. That's the key finding from a new study from researchers at Stevens Institute of Techn.....»»

The 5 best Hulu shows of 2024, ranked
2024 was an interesting year for TV, and these 5 shows were the best Hulu had to offer this year......»»
Huge math error corrected in black plastic study; authors say it doesn’t matter
Correction issued for black plastic study that had people tossing spatulas. Editors of the environmental chemistry journal Chemosphere have posted an eye-catching correction to a.....»»
Ammonia production goes green: Biomethane approach offers net-zero emissions
Using biomethane to produce ammonia, a crucial chemical in agriculture, could drastically reduce the climate impact of the process. In a study published in One Earth, researcher Robert Istrate shows it's even possible to make ammonia production net-z.....»»
Study reveals untapped potential in Switzerland"s wood material flows
Switzerland has set itself a goal that is as ambitious as it is necessary: net zero by 2050. One of the most important raw materials on the road to a climate-neutral future is wood. This renewable natural resource binds CO2 from the atmosphere as it.....»»
Study highlights negative impact of COVID-19 pandemic on special education students in Michigan
The COVID-19 pandemic adversely impacted K-12 education and its effects have been well documented. However, there has been less focus on how the pandemic affected the special education system; specifically, that system in Michigan......»»
Novel platinum complex shows strong antiproliferative effects with low toxicity in preclinical prostrate cancer models
Prostate cancer remains a global health challenge, ranking as the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men. Although treatments like androgen deprivation therapy have been effective for early-stage prostate cancer, advanced stages, such as cas.....»»
Threat of abrupt mortality events keeps endangered monkey population at risk, despite decades of growth
Despite the population being almost four times larger than it was in 1982, a new study published in the journal Ecology suggests the northern muriqui monkeys remain at risk, especially in the face of ongoing habitat disturbances......»»
Mars orbiter spots retired InSight lander to study dust movement
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) caught a glimpse of the agency's retired InSight lander recently, documenting the accumulation of dust on the spacecraft's solar panels. In the new image taken Oct. 23 by MRO's High-Resolution Imaging Science.....»»
Moral judgments shape everyday consumption practices, says research
In a new study, a Florida State University marketing researcher and her colleagues have revealed a complex moral landscape underlying everyday consumption practices, particularly relating to self-care, just in time for the holiday shopping season......»»
Simple enrichment reduces boredom and boosts welfare in housed dairy cows
Understanding dairy cow behavior has been a hot topic of dairy science research in the last few decades. In a special issue of JDS Communications dedicated to behavior in dairy animals, a new study highlights the importance of environmental enrichmen.....»»
New study says we"re unlikely to find liquid water on Mars anytime soon
More than a hundred years ago, astronomer Percival Lowell made the case for the existence of canals on Mars designed to redistribute water from the Martian ice caps to its lower, drier latitudes. This necessarily meant the existence of Martians to bu.....»»
How the pandemic changed police response to mental health needs in one city
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic not only threatened individuals' physical health but also seriously strained mental health and access to care. A new study has analyzed police data from one U.S. city before and after the start of the pandemic to ex.....»»
Plagiarism detection software sparks widespread student concern
In a new study, around half of the high school and university students from seven European countries are concerned about the use of plagiarism detection software in education. Their concerns lead to counterproductive behavior and misdirected learning.....»»
Study highlights the transformative impact of accelerator programs on startups worldwide
A study by Valentina A. Assenova and Raphael Amit of The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, reveals that participation in startup accelerator programs significantly boosts post-acceleration performance for ventures......»»
NASA orbiter captures one last image of retired InSight lander on Mars
An image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows one last view of the now-retired InSight lander mission......»»
New research shows the term "lesbian" is declining in popularity. The reasons why are complex
Run your eyes down a list of famous women who have recently come out and you're likely to see people describe themselves as pansexual, bisexual or queer, or insist on their right not to label their sexuality at all. With one or two notable exceptions.....»»
Rising drought frequency poses new threats to US wildlife, study finds
People around the world are dealing with drought, so it's not shocking that it affects wildlife, too: lack of moisture contributes to habitat loss, affects how animals compete for resources, and leads to dehydration and heat stress. The surprising pa.....»»
New data from "the last ice area" may help long-term conservation efforts in the Arctic
Earlier this year our international team of scientists from the Refuge Arctic consortium departed Iqaluit, Nvt. on a 56-day research expedition in the far north. We were sailing aboard the icebreaker CCGS Amundsen and our main objective was to study.....»»
Cost of retail crime up 40% over two years, Australian research shows
A new retail crime study has revealed escalating challenges for the retail sector, with shoplifting, employee theft, fraud and customer aggression rising to record levels......»»
New method speeds up protein study, aiding disease treatment research
Protein complexes are important for the majority of vital processes in the cell and human body, such as producing energy, copying DNA and regulating the immune system......»»